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Posted by: Kerri
Posted on: 14/08/2024

Have you ever fancied a job as a Recruitment Consultant but wondered what the job entails? We sat down with members of the QS Recruitment team to ask them about their typical day in the office.

How do you prepare for your day as a Recruitment Consultant?

M – “At the end of each day I do to do list for the following day. Its means I can get on with things much

quicker each morning”

T – “I review my schedule, prioritise tasks of the day, including candidate generation, business development

and client management. Along with checking on meetings and deadlines”

How does your day typically start?

M – “In the morning, I start by reviewing my to-do list. I prioritise all my tasks and activities, so I have a firm

plan for the day.”

J – “With a coffee! – Then checking notes from on-call and e-mails to check if there is anything that needs

following up on. Then onto refresh any vacancies that need to go out and contacting applicants.”

How does teamwork impact your day?

MK – “Teamwork is the foundation of my working day, collaboration helps me get the best results with

clients and candidates. I love bouncing ideas off colleagues and using ideas from others to change my

sales approach.”

T – “Teamwork is crucial for allowing the sharing of insights, dividing tasks, and supporting each other.”

How would you describe the day-to-day culture within the office?

M – “Our office culture shares values, behaviours, and standards that make up a good work environment.”

MK – “A good team who know how to work well together, we can enjoy each other’s down time and always

help each other out when required.”

What are your most important tasks during a typical day as a Recruitment Consultant?

J – “Maintaining relationships with clients – you won’t always be able to fill that shift within 5mins so being

able to communicate and develop that relationship with a client is very important!”

T – “Maintaining client relationships is at the forefront, Identifying any issues. Followed by engaging with

candidates, and nurturing prospect relationships.”

How are you able to deal with any arising challenges?

M – “Remain calm and positive to find solutions, take every day as an opportunity, seek help from the team if is needed.”

T – “By staying organised and prioritising based on factors such as time sensitivity, being adaptable, utilising problem-solving skills and maintaining clear communication.”

What is your favourite part of your day as a Recruitment Consultant?

MK – “Getting the ‘wins’ – whether they are a successful sales call, arranging a meeting, finding the perfect role for a good candidate and receiving positive feedback from clients”

K – “I do enjoy doing sales calls. Getting a buzz like gaining a meeting or a new client.”

How do you ensure that all your work is completed?

MK – “Utilising my to do list and being disciplined with my tasks throughout the day. But also having the ability to go with the flow and be adaptable to situations that may arise.”

K – “My to do list; if it is not empty by the end of the day, I have not completed everything. Managing my time as well while multi-tasking.”

How do you prioritise tasks?

M – “Write down all of my tasks, determine which tasks are more important, stick to a schedule that reflects your priority tasks, focus on one task at a time.”

T – “I prioritise based on urgency, impact, time sensitivity and the needs of clients and candidates.”

How do you manage in a fast-paced environment?

MK – “Having confidence in knowing what I need to do is correct. Set my priorities and focus on them, but also having the ability to multitask and spin plates!”

T – “It is important to maintain a level head and stay focused. Delegate when necessary and have a problem-solving attitude with clear communication.”

What makes your day rewarding?

T – “A sense of accomplishment knowing that I’ve made a positive impact on growth of our branch and in turn providing quality service to our clients.”

K – “Gaining extra shifts, knowing I am on target for bonuses, gaining meetings, securing new clients.”

What are the skills necessary to be a successful Recruitment Consultant?

M – “Organisation and management skills, teamwork skills, communication and interpersonal skills.”

MK –  “Resilience, the ability to go with the flow and multi task”

J – “Flexibility – Recruitment is not a straightforward “scheduled day”, you will have curve balls thrown at you all the time, you need to be able to take this in your stride!”

T – “Resilience, Strong communication, negotiation, problem-solving, and relationship-building skills are essential as a recruitment consultant.”

K – “Having a good attitude around the office and getting on with the team is important.”


Huge thanks to all our staff members who took the time to give a valuable insight into their day. If you would like to know more about working in Recruitment, take a look at our Work For Us page by clicking here.


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