Hourly Rate: £15.00 per hour Monday to Friday and getting paid £18.50 per hour for Saturdays.
£15.92 after 12 weeks of work.
£23.88 per hour on Saturdays after 12 weeks.
+ 28 days Holiday pro rata.
The rate of pay is £18.15 per hour paid via our Umbrella provider.
Working Hours: You will be required to work 3 to 4 days between Monday to Saturday, so you must be available to work a potential weekend day if required, you will be starting between 18:00 and 20:00 averaging 12 hours per shift.
Closing Date: 20250114
Experience & Qualifications
To be put forward for the role you need to have:
– A full HGV1 Licence with more than 12 months experience
– A digital tacho card
– The drive to work varied shifts
– A valid CPC card
– 2 years of recent checkable work history with no gaps